Your Most Requested Feature is Here: Weight Tracking!

Welcome back to the Solin blog! We hope you're loving the latest updates to Solin and we have been working tirelessly to bring you even more improvements.
We're thrilled to announce a game-changing new feature for customers: tracking.
Weight and Reps Tracking
Users can now track their weights, reps, and even make notes on each exercise throughout your challenges.
And the best part? This feature is automatically included when programs use Solin Sheets (our latest programming software). A tracking toggle will appear on the screen - just click it on and get started!
This feature provides 3 main benefits:
1. Monitor Progress
- Detailed logs of weights and reps help users see their improvements over time.
2. Personalize Workouts
- Notes allow for personalized adjustments and reflections on each exercise. This allows users to identify patterns, set benchmarks, and celebrate milestones!
3. Stay Motivated
- Visible progress boosts motivation and encourages consistency in fitness routines.
Watch a short video here for a tutorial on how to use tracking in the Solin app. And don’t forget to update your Solin app to begin tracking today.
We are so excited for you to begin using tracking!
Are you a creator who needs help setting up a new challenge?
If you need help setting up a new challenge or selling more of an existing one, we’re happy to help!
Apply here and shoot us an email to with subject line: TRACKING for expedited review.